“We do extremely important work but no one notices us online!”
The Client: Smaller, nonprofit focused on strengthing families in the Chicagoland Area consisting of a staff of four, Including the Executive Director.
The Challenge: The staff had ZERO time to dedicate to digital messaging of any kind. They were simply too busy and overwhelmed with their work. What did get shared was inconsistent and did not tell a compelling, accurate story of who they were or how they help thousands in their community. Their efforts were not getting much exposure and therefore little to no results.
Our Strategy: We dug deep into the heart of not only who they were as an organization, but who they were as people.
The Tactics: We highlighted stories of the families that they helped and started sharing real stories about real people. We strove to make the full impact of their work felt to anyone who clicked on any post or video on any of their platforms. We made it very human and personal.
The Results: At their large annual fundraiser they raised more money and got greater attendance (over 300 people for a breakfast) and awareness than they have ever had in their history. They have increased donations and expanded paid staff and volunteers. This expansion has led to more clients in need being served. Over the past two years the number of educational workshops they have scheduled has nearly tripled. Their Facebook posts alone get over 4,000 people engaged on most days and over 2,000 people reached!
On average, behind the scenes activity on Facebook consists of 55 touch points for every post, That means we are doing 55 things behind the scenes that you are most likely unaware of to help grow your business. Instagram is at about 80 touch points for every post, These are just two examples of the kind of customized work that we do to keep you relevant and in the game.